About Me

BA Fine Art students from Chelsea College of Art & Design explore themes of mutualistic, commensal and parasitic relationships. July 2010

Saturday, 31 July 2010


Jason File

Title: The End of Painting

Medium: Screen print on canvas

Dimensions: 42cm x 29.7cm

Price: 110 GBP

Synopsis: This is a screen print of a computer program in the BASIC computer language, which was popularised in the late 1970s and early1980s. If executed, this program would theoretically cause a computerto print an infinite number of pages with the same statement inquotations. With this work, the artist explores the symbioticrelationship between man and computers as exemplified by theincreasing use of digital means of production in artistic creation.The work could potentially be viewed, however, as subverting theargument frequently voiced by critics that "painting is dead" bydepicting a program that would make this point endlessly, whilesimultaneously incorporating a pun that asks the viewer to enquirewhat is the "end" or "purpose" of painting.

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